The Team

Suzanne Delisle
PCC Certified Coach, ICF
Coaching Mentor
A seasoned executive
With more than 25 years of management experience under her belt, Suzanne Delisle has a firm grasp of business, especially in the realms of corporate finance and administration. Her vast experience in both the private and public sectors gives her a keen understanding of your reality.
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A qualified coach
Suzanne is a graduate of Erickson International and a coach certified by the ICF (International Coach Federation). She also holds a Certificate in Corporate Governance from Laval University’s Collège des administrateurs de sociétés and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA-CA). In addition, she has a subspecialty as Trauma Informed Coach, C.T.I.C. and she holds NOVA certification in the use of psychometric tools.
A sought-after mentor
Alongside her professional work, Suzanne generously shares her expertise with the broader community through her volunteer engagements, including as a mentor with the Association of Quebec Women in Finance (AFFQ)
A woman of commitment
Suzanne is actively involved in the professional community. Not only is she an International Coach Federation Quebec chapter board member, she also serves as a board member and chair of the audit committee of Régie d’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). She chairs the audit committee for the Office of the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions and is a member of the audit committee of Ministère des Affaires Municipales et Habitation (MAMH). She has also sat on nonprofit boards for organizations such as Aéroport de Québec, Orchestre symphonique de Québec, and Fondation du CHUQ.

Yanina Trubchanka
Certified ACC, ICF & CPCC Coach
at the Co-Active Training Institute
MA in Intercultural Mediation
A coach who is passionate
A coach who is passionate about the richness of cultural diversity, Yanina has lived and worked in seven countries, mastering five languages, which enhances her ability to interact and understand various cultural contexts.
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Her academic background in intercultural mediation, combined with her professional experience in coaching, new technologies, and international commerce, provides her with a solid understanding of the challenges in an increasingly interconnected world.
As a coach, Yanina approaches her clients without prejudice, considering intentional communication as an essential component of the coaching profession.
According to her, words are the connectors that guide the coached individual to emerge. Collaborating with her clients, Yanina creates a space of trust to explore and experiment with new approaches in both professional and personal life.
In August 2023, she demonstrated her commitment to the coaching profession by translating and adapting the book “The Golden Rules of Coaching” by Master Coach and author Alex Verlek from English to French. This act emphasises her ongoing contribution to the field of coaching.

Sophie Bizeul
MA (Dist.)
MCC Certified Coach, ICF
Coaching Mentor and Supervisor
Master level coaching experience
After seven years as a coach on Anthony Robbins’s team, Sophie started her own coaching practice. A trilingual (English, French, and Spanish) Master Certified Coach with the International Coach Foundation, she works with international clients from various backgrounds—both private individuals and business executives and managers from a broad range of industries and the public sector.
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Sophie has more than 4,000 hours of experience in the fields of coaching, mentoring, supervising, and training coaches. She regularly helps clients with matters like career choice, life transitions, motivation, leadership, communication, time management, work/life balance, fear, stress, conflict management, self-confidence, and interpersonal relations.
In her work, Sophie seeks first and foremost to create a space inspired by the words of the poet Rumi: “Beyond right and wrong, there is a field. I will meet you there.”
- Master Certified Coach (MCC), International Coach Federation
- Masters in Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming
- Erickson Solution-Focused Coach Certificate, Erickson Coaching International
- Coaching Supervision Diploma, Coaching Supervision Academy
- Senior Coach Trainer, Erickson Coaching International
- Coach Supervisor Trainer, Coaching Supervision Academy
- Independent Reviewer, International Coach Federation

Gaby Da Silva
PCC Certified Coach, ICF
Coaching Mentor
Director Erickson Quebec
An accomplished coach
Gaby is an accomplished coach who has made her mark working with large private sector companies in Quebec, as well as with the federal and provincial governments. Her career has seen her take on a variety of management and strategic development roles.
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Gaby previously worked as a coach for the Anthony Robbins Organization and recently bought a dream property where she offers fishing, permaculture, and development workshops to the public.
A specialist in leadership, team management, and management coaching, she is known for her energy, her ability to connect with audiences, and her knack for helping clients see things from new perspectives. She is also trilingual (English, French, and Portuguese).
Head trainer at Erickson Quebec
Gaby is a PCC-accredited coach, mentor for ICF and Erickson Quebec, and ICF-recognized leadership trainer. She delivers training to public and private sector organizations. Gaby is a senior manager with Erickson Quebec and has led The Art & Science of Coaching program since 2012.
She is an accredited Professional Certified Coach – International Coach Federation, an Erickson Certified Professional Coach – Erickson International (Vancouver) and holds a BA (Honours) in Human Relations from Concordia University, Montreal xperience.

Catherine Ricard
M. Ed., CRHA
Certified Coach ACC, ICF
A manager passionate about developing management skills.
Catherine worked in the field as a human resources manager for several years. Holder of a master’s degree in education and training management, Catherine has always been able to put forward the development of the skills of her business partners and clients.
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Through the quality of her listening skills and her managerial experience, Catherine knows how to bring out the signature strengths of the people she accompanies. For her, the development of individuals through coaching and mentoring is the cornerstone of the best human resources management strategies.
Now a graduate of the “École Coaching de gestion”, and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and as a trainer and professional coach, Catherine specializes in individual and team coaching, mentoring and group facilitation. of co-development. His passion is to devote himself entirely to the development of talented people in the life of an organization. It allows them to master and take advantage of who they are fundamentally, and thus they become more effective and fulfilled.
Involved in the community of coaches, Catherine is a member of the organizing committee of the annual conference of ICF-Quebec.

Jacques Hallé
PCC Certified Coach, ICF
A wealth of management experience
Jacques has amassed 38 years of financial sector executive experience working with entrepreneurs and managers. That experience includes establishing and running a financial center, as well as the merger of several financial centers.
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Jacques’s leadership training and the knowledge acquired in navigating these change management challenges led him to appreciate the full scope of human talent just waiting to be tapped. He has since dedicated himself to skills development, pursuing this rewarding work as a coach for the past six years.
His coaching vision
Jacques stresses listening, respect, and creativity to help coachees gain new awareness, broaden their vision, and learn by doing. Confidently engaged in developing their own skills, they can effectively reach their goals.
The purpose behind his coaching
To contribute to an inspired and inspiring community of effective and happy businesspeople and managers.

Michelle Collard
Coach Professionnelle certifiée PCC, ICF
Coach certifiée programmation neuro-linguistique, SICPNL
Mentor et superviseur de coachs
Un parcours professionnel éloquent
Après avoir occupé des postes de direction générale au sein de grandes organisations dans le secteur de la santé et des services sociaux, Michelle a fait le choix d’orienter sa carrière en coaching exécutif. Elle accompagne depuis plus de 10 ans des gestionnaires de divers niveaux hiérarchiques ainsi que la relève de demain.
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Diplômée en sciences de la santé, en relations industrielles, en administration (développement des organisations), elle est certifiée coach exécutif PCC-ICF (International Coaching Federation) et le SICPNL (Société internationale des coachs en programmation neurolinguistique) et est membre de l’ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines, CRHA.
Développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle
Intéressée par le développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle, Michelle a obtenu sa certification de coach expert EQ-i 2.0 et EQ-360. Depuis, elle administre des centaines de tests de quotient émotionnel auprès de leaders de divers milieux et les accompagne dans leurs développements. Elle possède également une certification coach expert en analyse des comportements et des forces motrices Trimetrix® DNA-TTi Success Insights.
Ouverture, créativité et douceur, sa marque de commerce
Elle anime des groupes de co-développement sur les thèmes de l’intelligence émotionnelle, des communications et le leadership conscient. Reconnue pour son ouverture, son humanisme, sa créativité, sa douceur aux effets surprenants et sa perspicacité, elle appuie sa pratique de coaching sur une vaste expérience de vie personnelle et professionnelle et sur des milliers d’heures d’accompagnement de leaders en situation de gestion. Elle agit également à titre de mentor et de superviseure certifiée pour les coachs.
Ready to start?
The Innergia promise.
We help top-level decision-makers and managers fulfill their potential and guide their teams more effectively in pursuit of their goals.